Angelina Sguassero, NASM CPT 

Accountability Coach & Trainer

A fitness enthusiast and distance runner who turned her passion for health and wellness into a career. 

Angelina loves to help people and you can sense that when you take one of her classes. Kind but firm, she will push you to your absolute limits,- so that when you leave the class you have no regrets. 

 Angelina (Angie for short) is a native of Rosario, Argentina, lives in a beautiful lake community in North Jersey. Mama to 2 beautiful boys. Her goal is to be the best example she can be for them.

Angelina is a certified Personal Trainer through NASM. She teaches at least 10 Bootcamp classes a week along with offering personal training for those who want to level up! She is also the member's Accountability Coach- so expect to hear from her if you need a little extra push!

Maureen Jobrack, CPT NASM, Women’s Fitness Certification  GGS

Maureen is a retired competitive swimmer turned fitness enthusiast. Movement and fitness have always been a part of her life. 

Outside of the gym Maureen works as a financial contractor for the US Military and is a mom of two wonderful kids.

While completing the Struck Fitness Trainer intern program Maureen finished up both her NASM CPT the Girls Gone Strong Pre/Post-Natal Fitness Coaching Certification.

Maureen will help you polish your superpowers both in and out of the gym. Constantly encouraging members and fellow trainers to sign up for races and join group swims in the early morning hours during the summer. 

Her enthusiasm and positivity are contagious. 

Krista Huebner, CPT 

Krista is a mother of 3 amazing kids. Paralegal in a busy law office by day - super trainer by early morning and night! Krista also started her fitness journey as a member of Struck Fitness, after years of putting her own health and fitness on the backburner as a busy mom and community volunteer. She decided to shift her priorities so that she could be a happier, healthier mom and wife. Setting and achieving new fitness goals over and over again filled her with renewed confidence and empowerment. She jumped at the chance to participate in Struck Fitness’s Trainer internship program and has since completed her personal training certification and hundreds of hours of training and coaching boot camp classes. 

Expect a dry sense of humor and a no-nonsense attitude from Krista, as she guides you to be the best version of YOU!

Jen Manke,  NASM CPT 

 - “It’s never too late for a new beginning.”

proud wife and mom of two grown sons. Jennifer is part of a beautiful lake community in northern New Jersey. Full-time middle school art teacher/ part-time superhero. She thrives off the energy of coaching group classes at Struck Fitness and loves to encourage people to break through their limitations. A former high school athlete and college basketball player, she credits Struck Fitness with helping her find her “inner athlete” once again.

As a Certified Personal Trainer and Struck Coach Jen’s mission is to help others discover their own inner athlete and amaze themselves with their own abilities!



Suzanne Tribuzio, NASM CPT

Suzanne’s wholehearted mission is to empower clients by building healthy, sustainable habits!

Suzanne is also a high school math teacher. She lives in Northern NJ with her husband Vic & her beautiful daughter Piper and her Goldendoodle Pia. She loves swimming, running, hiking, and cooking. She had years of distance running experience and ZERO strength training experience when she walked into Struck over 2 years ago. Since then she slowly transformed herself physically and mentally through consistent training and education.

She advocates the importance of physical, mental, and emotional connection to each workout, she believes in consistency and fun! 

Theresa Struck NASM CPT, CES

Head Trainer/Founder of Struck Fitness

Your guide to finding the best version of yourself! 

8 years as a certified trainer, 2000 + hours of training and classes combined.

Wife and mother to 4 incredible human beings.

Theresa fell in love with fitness in her 30s and felt a calling to empower others through movement and healthy living.

She opened Struck Fitness in 2019 to offer busy people the chance to feel and look their best in a supportive, motivational community. Tagged  “The Imperfect Trainer” because she always strives for progress over perfection and coaches her clients to do the same. 

Theresa believes that a well-balanced life, full of social connection, lots of fun movement, the food we love, and good sleep takes precedence over attaining that “perfect body.”

Focus on how the program makes you feel, and the changes in your appearance you are looking for, will soon follow.


Contact Information

  (973) 337-1311

  55 County Rd 692, Ringwood, NJ 07456